Just Let Me -- G -- Indoctrinate You!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

It's a Time for Listening Thing

Dear America,

 sit.  good girl xo

blog #979 signing in

let's get right to it, shall we?

i was without internet yesterday, like, all day.  IKR?

for me, it didn't really matter about the blog...for some days this bird is completely happy flying under the radar and I am totally okay with not chirping in and saying so much as a toot sweet.  But what was interesting -- given every time I went to look at something on my phone -- there I was, flapping my wings at high speed data if I wanted to do anything.  So I didn't.  I spent the day doing little to nothing when it came to falling into the virtues of the ether-reality we recognize as life connected tightly at the hip to a gadget, any gadget, like, get me another gadget, one that works, stat.

Luckily, being plump in the middle of pet sitting for a sum total of two days -- my entertainment came and went with fur balls and happy tails, plastic toys that squeaked, rubber balls that went sailing over the grass with a pooch panting madly behind it, and a wide-mouthed bearded dragon who just gazed at me with the silliest little grin wondering what kind of wax worm, roach, or cricket he gets to eat next, and in between crunching upon bok choy like he was straight out of a cartoon.

No bother; chock it up to days when the universe forces us to heel (and heal, and how).

sit.  good girl xo

I drank detox tea and lounged.

And I lounged.

Played ball.

And I lounged.

Played more ball.

I didn't even read a book; matter of fact, didn't even bring a book with me as I thought I would have no time.  ha!  hilarious.

I cat napped, like twice...once, right alongside a real live cat!

And it was good.

Like, what's a girl gonna do -- pick a fight with the Almighty Creator of all of our days?  Clearly, it was like some kind of precious gift from the Mastermind of  All Things telling me to just stop.

SO I did.  [It's happened before, so, you know,  you can be sure this girl is finally catching onto the idea of just going with It.  Baby steps, baby steps.]

Thing is, besides sitting more, I also tried to listen more while deep in the quiet of my hours of my yesterday.

Truth be told, consumed by the glut of self-interests fresh out of school, I lament the fact that I wasn't as keen on listening back then; my guess is, I was far better in the asking for what I want rather than seeking what God wanted for me.   To which I feel compelled to add, to plead my case -- --  um, I'm sorry; forgive me; it has to be better late than never, right?  

I know Lord.  So cliché my bae.

BUT NO, it really isn't.  
I really feel in my heart that it's far better to have learned to really and truly listen to this Spirit inside me and around me and working through me, on a daily basis, later in life, than never at all.  

Like,  for never is, like, a really long long time; it's like, forever and ever; and to never ever come to know this Prince of Peace and Quiet, this Loving Guidance fully available, enveloping all our days from start to stop, from sunrise to sunset and even while we sleep...now that would really truly be a sad sad thing.
 sit.  good girl xo

It's overwhelming and tragic, this speed in which America's Judeo-Christian culture, that sense of being in true community with one another alongside a common belief, and faith, in Something Greater than ourselves, is falling away from tradition and becoming more and more absent from our hearts and minds.  At a loss, are all the things the teachings freely give to us, to enrich us, to set our hearts and minds aright as we go about the business of our day to day.

Is it all just lip-service, as our politicians cling to the words and ideals that have guided this nation for so long, making their case before the American people...when they say things like, 'that is not who we are' or 'we are better than this' or whenever any of us gather to speak the words of our Pledge of Allegiance?    
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
OR The American's Creed,

I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed, a democracy in a republic, a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. 
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.

One hundred years ago, this creed, was written by Tyler Page (1917) and subsequently accepted by the United States House of Representatives on April 3, 1918.

We take it for granted, this foundation laid so long ago in America and now be foolishly eroded from our days and nights, leaving souls untethered, and vulnerable to senseless rhetoric and empty promises, building a life upon just sand.

How do we defend a nation against all enemies, when the enemy is within?

It would seem, by the looks of how The Left wishes to come in hot feeding us the glorious big lie of how government dependency is the great cure-all for every little thing in this world -- listening more to what God wants...listening to the still small voice of the Divine that only It can give... is totally not of this world, this modern day, being intellectually decided to be of no use whatsoever.

Oh this day -- these times -- being ever so popular for democrats, as a whole, to call out the moral outrage of certain things, like, for instance, border walls; when, in reality, a border wall seems to be the least of our worries....that is, when it comes to immorality.  Like, seriously, Nancy?

This combination of "immoral, expensive and unwise" has only become their new mantra; when, for certain, it doesn't describe a wall, at all.  It best articulates the savagery against fiscal responsibility, true liberty and independence for all, of the American people, that this American government -- including every administration of the last hundred years -- has accomplished, to our detriment. Now that's immoral. Expensive.  And so freaking unwise it's not even funny.

To side with Shultz on one thing --  it's about that 21 TRILLION DOLLARS.

And please, don't get me wrong, this girl is not being judge and jury -- just making an observation, k.   I'm just making the observation that many more of us should be making a true observation of our world.  It's called looking at the bigger picture, bigger picture.

I mean, honestly...on a personal note, I just attended an awareness rally on Human Trafficking this past Saturday...it's a pretty big deal out here in Southern California; and, we all bear witness to a barrage of ugly sights and sounds and stories all across the web all the live long day; and, apparently we all live, now, in an era where the state of New York has just legalized infanticide!   So that is just three things that come to mind in less than thirty seconds that we may just want to spend some of our precious time pondering when it comes to important topics with morality at the center!

And Nancy wants to judge a wall that separates a country from another country? 

Hmm like the Great Wall of China?  Does she hate that one, too?

Or, like the walls that surround the Obama's new D.C. home?
Or, like the great wall that surrounds the Clinton's New York homestead?
Wait, like, do you have a wall around your home, Nancy?  Or make that, your vineyard?  You're being a little gauche, wouldn't you say?

But more to the point, what is so wrong with asking people -- all people -- to wait in line and follow the immigration law, the rules, already in place?  Wouldn't that be notably more sound, more moral, when it comes to the actions of every prospective immigrant wanting to come to America?

Wouldn't those be just the kind of people we would like to have immigrate....the one's who actually take the time to sit and be still and wait there turn and do the right thing, no matter how long it takes, or what you have to give up in return?

sit.  good girl xo

Oh thank heaven.  I'm home again, where the WiFi is alive and well! 
Just in the nick of time, too, not sure how much more I could take... teehee.

OH but that yesterday....nothing to do but sit, and listen, to that still small voice inside me.

I listened for awhile, and then listened some more; talk about a good day.

This much I know:
The Greatest Resource -- for all Americans, if not the entire world, make that, universe -- is God through the teachings of The Good Book.
A return to the principles that shaped America into the shelter, built upon Rock, that she has grown to become...for all the world.... is a daily ritual, with individuals taking action, one by one, and together forming a chain, linking heritage and values, virtues and morals, and assimilating into one perfect union...and waking up the next day, and doing it all over again.  It's why America has long been characterized as The Melting Pot.    This is not only our best hope, it is our ONLY hope.

the end.

Make it a Good Day, G

Friday, January 25, 2019

It's About a Divide that keeps on Giving Thing

Dear America,

"One of the things [Uncle Alex] found objectionable about human beings was that they so rarely noticed it when they were happy.  He himself did his best to acknowledge it when times were sweet.  We could be drinking lemonade in the shade of an apple tree in the summertime, and Uncle Alex would interrupt the conversation to say, 'If this isn't nice, what is?'  So I hope that you will do the same for the rest of your lives.  When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment, and then say out out loud, 'If this isn't nice, what is?'  Kurt Vonnegut, writer, z#289 from my little book of "Nothing is worth more than this day."  Kathryn and Ross Petras

about that State of the Union ....whether it happens on Tuesday, or  not, we all pretty much have an idea of what the state of the union is.  And it may be widely different, depending upon the politics of the person and direction of the conversation.

Yesterday was Book Club with my ladies.

confession -- I just now ordered it...

But the conversation was such that this girl was able to grasp a smidgen of the grand scheme of things, and came away, not only wanting to read the book -- but also having an even wider view than I already had of just how often history repeats itself.

Often, in today's political climate, we hear people say things like, 'we've never been this polarized before' or "we are more divided than we've ever been..." -- and it's like poppycock, our country been here before , and then some, now please pass me the lemonade.

Nothing against our eight grade history teachers, but one of the things greatly lost on perspective  about this war of 1812, is that this war is taught more like a blip on the radar, with other moments hijacking its significance; even it's name comes from only when the war started.  When, in fact, this WAR  of 1812 was a hard fought battle, after hard fought battle, after hard fought battle, against the well-established and organized British Navy (yes, again) and it carried on for years.  

This miracle of New Orleans we speak of, was in the year 1815 -- and it would seem that if it weren't for the masterful tactics and command of General Andrew Jackson, our young country may not have survived, let alone been able to expand to the west of the Mississippi.  And he did it while organizing the not so merry band of misfits --  an unlikely union -- of the only resources and people available.   

And bear in mind, that it was the British -- unaware of the Treaty of Ghent (recognized as Belgium, today) signed at the end of 1814 -- who launched the attack in New Orleans, on January 8, 1815...

And as Brian says, "What the British didn't count on was the power of General Andrew Jackson. A formidable military leader with a grudge against the British and a heart for the common man, he rallied the divided inhabitants of New Orleans, bringing together Frenchmen, Native Americans, freed slaves, pirates, and Kentucky woodsmen."

Not bad for the outsider --  as Jackson was not part of the military elite, having the powers that be in D.C. describing him as "a stubborn and crude westerner."  But, "his troops loved him.  He was fearless in battle, but not reckless" as Brian continues, while giving a brief characterization in a short video on his website.  

Now -- just to be clear -- the issues that led to the War of 1812 was one of great D.C. divide as well; and be that as it may, by the end of the war, the Federalist Party met up with its bitter end, as well.   

This thing we call divide within the union is nothing new.

Just look at how some divisions -- as in,  the forces that conspired to create the perfect storm that led to the Civil War in 1861 -- met up with history, at the corner of courage and cultural shift.

America has met division, has weathered conflict within and without the world, and has seen plenty of polarizing days  -- in political measure -- way more than once or twice -- like, way.

It's how we do things around here, right?

The thing is.....what's changed in a very big way.... the thing that has impacted this division, of all the things we carry, in ways unseen before, IS best described as a cultural breakdown.     

Buttressed by the antics and widespread narratives -- some entirely manufactured --  through the left-leaning mainstream, from traditional media to social media, everything gets tilted through the eyes of a liberal lens; and, like, long gone are the days we had to wait for the morning paper --- cue the non-stop streams of buzz, whether true or false.

While at the same time -- a growing fraction of people, who uncharacteristically think of themselves as Americans, are being romanced, totally manipulated, brainwashed, into believing a new green deal, a new wave of socialism rising, is the answer to their every need.   

Socialism is rising in America, and, like, who ever would have thought.  [that is just plum scary stuff]
Just Like, I'm increasing the use of the word 'like' just to channel my inner AOC...it's easy to be influenced, like, you know?

It's all just surreal really.

The things that are suddenly becoming acceptable on American soil...

Take for instance, New York.  Please.  

This new bill -- allowing late term abortion all the way up the due date?  And celebrating it?

New York went from legalizing abortion up to 24 weeks...to full term...like, what?

Terminating a baby who has nearly reached full term?   Is this the only answer, or am I crazy?  IF the mother's life is in danger, what happened to delivery by c-section and offering the baby for adoption...that is, if the mother no longer wants the baby?  I just don't get this at all.

Some Americans are celebrating this legislation, while other Americans are in mourning.

Shocked, actually.

From Tony Perkins, posted at The Patriot Post:   

"In a state where the womb was already the most dangerous place for a child, this law begins a new era. Open season on our own. From now on, nothing stands in the way of a woman taking her baby’s life — days, hours, or even a minute before she’s born. A fully grown, healthy human baby that thousands of struggling couples would give anything to have. 
That’s the savagery New York leaders call 'progress.' That’s the 'achievement' Cuomo turned into a pink beacon, shining 'a bright light forward for the rest of the nation to follow'.”

Newsflash: not all of us agree on this one.

But perhaps here's a silver lining -- millennials are becoming the generation more aligned with a return to the sanctity of life....huh?   Even though a majority [75%] consider themselves to be "pro-choice" -- the same survey also revealed that 65% believe are "pro-life."   hallelujah

And this is rich -- read this from Ben Shapiro.
And don't even ask me to give you the crib notes for it.  Read Ben.

And in a move to be a little more provocative than usual, just before I make my exit, let me just add that Americans seem to LOVE and HATE different things.   

Please allow me to direct you to Nate Jackson, also at The Patriot Post, giving us wit and incite on commentary made by freshman congresswoman, Ilhan Omar...just cuz, you won't hear about it in the mainstream.  GO.

Who was marching peacefully for March for Life? 
Who was doing the taunting and screaming of racist chants?  
And who spread flat out lies about both?

Oh this divide...it's called the constant, state of the union; like, our system of checks and balances, our life and times as a republic, is entirely dependent on continuing this kind of divide.

It is real.

And it probably isn't going away anytime soon, if history dictates anything.  Some days are better than others; some days we get to sip a little lemonade under the shade of an apple tree and think good things...and some days, not so much.

all the more reason to follow this advice: "When things are going sweetly and peacefully, please pause a moment, and then say out out loud, 'If this isn't nice, what is?"

that about sums it up, I need to go make lemonade.

the end.

Make it a Good Day, G

Monday, January 21, 2019

It's Always in Motion, this Truth Thing

Dear America,

"Therefore the Book of Divine Instructions 
so constantly repeats 
"Fear not; doubt not," 
because we can never divest 
our Thought of its inherent creative quality, 
and the only question is
 whether we shall use it ignorantly 
to our injury or understandingly to our benefit."
The Hidden Power 
by Thomas Troward

Oh but Troward was only just getting started,
continuing to sum up the Master's teaching, "that knowledge of the Truth would make us free. Here is no announcement of anything we have to do, or of anything that has to be done for us, in order to gain our liberty, neither is it a statement of anything future.  Truth is what is.  He did not say, you must wait till something becomes true which is not true now.  He said:  'Know what is Truth now, and you will find that the Truth concerning yourself is Liberty.' If the knowledge of Truth makes us free it can only be because in truth we are free already, only we do not know it."

THIS knowledge of the TRUTH. this liberty, and many other pillars of virtue --  of faith, of courage, of the hidden power to change an entire culture -- is the reason why the preachings and teachings by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. were so remarkable; and in the context of American history, itself, unparalleled to this day.

I say this nearly every anniversary of his birth -- oh how I wish he were here.

From the president's twitter:  "Today we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for standing up for the self-evident truth Americans hold so dear, that no matter what the color of our skin or the place of our birth, we are all created equal by God. #MLKDay"

Troward expresses this idea like so -- "[O]ur liberty consists in our reproducing on the scale of the individual the same creative power of Thought which first brought the world into existence, 'so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear.'  Let us, then, confidently claim our birthright as 'sons and daughters of the Almighty,' and by habitually thinking the good, the beautiful, and the true, surround ourselves with conditions corresponding to our thoughts, and by our teaching and example help others to do the same."

Dr. King LED by following these teachings of the Word, and led by example, opening up a world of new thought, while pointing all Americans in the direction of right thinking, so that one day his dream -- of relating to each other beyond the color of our skin, and of being far more interested in our character -- would one day be living inside the hearts and minds of us all.

One thing is for sure, in addressing where race relations are today -- it would help a whole helluva lot if we started with the truth of the matter, from the start.

People like Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders -- who are using this sentimental day to push fake news and propaganda, is simply bad form and unnecessary... unless, of course, they only wish to stir lies to push an agenda, or delegitimize and disparage a sitting president. 

"We've learned in the last two years, it doesn't take much to awaken hate, to bring those folks out from under the rocks," Biden said. "That part of American society has always been there. Will always be here. But has been legitimized."  (Whatta dark thought, isn't it)

"It gives me no pleasure to tell you that we now have a president of the United States who is a racist... "  Bernie addressing a crowd today.  (And whatta about that for another dark thought...)
I mean, c'mon, this president has actually done more to improve the lives of African-Americans by his strong stance on illegal immigration, his intent to build a wall to control the gang violence and the illegal drug flow into this country, improving the economy by eliminating harmful government regulations and thereby creating more job opportunities for everyone, and has just completed major prison reform laws! ...something not even a President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden could do, let alone show any sign of attempt!

It was Joe Biden that spoke of Barack as being -- oh how did he put it -- let's hear it again:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." 

um ABC on CNN... three strikes, you're out, Joe.

But this Bernie quote from today  --  of course, Trump is not strong on character in many departments, but calling him a racist, is a flat out character assassination without cause. But the best part, is Bernie beginning with, "it gives me no pleasure...;"  Seriously, Bernie?  but we digress.

It's not like anyone in the left-wing media is going to call him on it, either; I mean, they -- this media of ours -- are still choking on a couple of other stories that turned out to be downright manufactured.

See BuzzBleed, here  and here.

Oh I'm sorry, did I say Buzz Bleed -- that is incorrect.  my bad.

It's more like BuzzKill the truth; or BuzzFuzzylittleliars; or BuzzSpeed swirling recklessly to a lawsuit, or two.

Thing is, it doesn't even matter once something gets out there -- whether it's truth or dare or scare; what's done is done.

Much like football; once the call of the ref is done, it's kinda done; replay can only take the truth so far.  And even if the truth is, a huuuge mistake -- a mind-blowing bad call on the field -- it is still done.  Of course, in real life, this meant a difference between going to the Super Bowl and marching home until the Saints can try try again.

Now -- full disclosure, I was rooting for the Rams; but it's irrelevant with what I am about to say:  I think -- and have been thinking for quite some time -- that the penalty we recognize as "pass interference" has got to go.  Maybe its just me....but I believe in the power of both teams having the chance to interfere with a pass, fair and square.  It's football! This is what it's all about!

The whole truth of the matter  -- good and bad "pass interference" calls have led to a change in possession, to touchdowns, and have interfered with  regular season games, all the live long day and all season long.  All season long.  Am I right? 

Truth is always in motion -- from football, to thinkers, to preachers, to teachers, to communicators of all things large and small.

Let me ask you, honestly, did this one bad call, made by the refs, even after a replay, and then more replay, really decide the game --- making way for the reason the season was over for the Saints?  Let's ask Colin Cowherd

Oh how I do like a clear thinker and communicator...hubba hubba; my baby's a lot like this...mmmm what a man, what a man, what a man....whatta mighty good man...oh, man, girl... get a grip on yourself...and stop your daydreaming and stay focused on the task at hand....indeed.


To the real thing baby:  Truth carries the Power to Set Us Free; and how. That is, if we get out of our own way,  thereby tapping into an atmosphere of less interference and more sound connection; if we use it less for injury and more for understanding, can I get an amen?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a good man (not perfect...but an awfully awfully good man).

And for this I dedicate this day.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; 
only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate; 
only love can do that.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

God rest his soul and may his teachings and preachings of the Truth continue to impress upon each and every one of us, from this generation to the next.

"Therefore the Book of Divine Instructions 
so constantly repeats 
"Fear not; doubt not," 
because we can never divest 
our Thought of its inherent creative quality, 
and the only question is
 whether we shall use it ignorantly 
to our injury or understandingly to our benefit."

Make it a Good Day, G

Friday, January 18, 2019

It's a Glorious Day to Read Good Things Thing

Dear America,

"All literature
 --- stories most obviously -- 
centers on some conflict, rupture, or lack.  
Literature is birthed
 from our fallenness: 
without the fall, there would be no story."  
Karen Swallow Prior

oof and ain't that the truth; just peruse anyone's diary, right?  

[For a perfect example, simply go back to the beginning of this day in the life of an American girl...975 blogs chiefly centered upon our fallenness as a nation, as a people, as a culture....as a neighbor, co-worker, or friend...the list goes on and on.]

Prior immediately quotes a Jacques Ellul, from his discovery illuminated in The Humiliation of the Word, adding, "Only desire speaks...Satisfaction is silence." 

The Humiliation of the Word:  "Jacques Ellul for the first time intertwines sociological analysis with theological discussion in this provocative examination of how reality (which is visual) has superseded truth (which is verbal) in modern times. / After delineating in basic terms the distinction between truth and reality, the verbal and visual, Ellul explores the biblical-theological basis for this distinction. He examines the biblical emphasis on the word (both the divine Word and human words which witness to the divine truth) and the biblical critique of idolatry (which is, of course, visual). He goes on to delineate the ways in which the visual dominates modern life and to examine the correlate of this exaltation — the devaluation of the word..."   See more at Amazon

In elementary terms, I guess this might explain what is going on in our world today...true satisfaction, an enigma in modern day life, gives way to the constant call of our wants, our needs, our ambitions, our desires to have more of something, whatever that may be.

This is bringing to mind something that caught my attention for all of thirty minutes, last Sunday; an episode of Andy Stanley, How to Get What You Really Want, beginning with posing a basic question, just this:  what do you want? 

Appealing to the narcissist inside, we always want to do what we want to do...and for the most part, we are all guilty of this to some degree (of course, some days are better than others).  But sometimes, as Andy points out, when we get what it is we think we truly want, it turns out to be a disappointment; it turns out to be something different and nothing like what we thought; and sometimes what we want today, prevents us from securely planning for the proverbial tomorrow.

Andy says that most of us don't get what we really, really want, because we have not seriously pondered the answer, or even spent the time and careful consideration simply wondering how we get to that answer.  And promptly points us in the direction of the Bible, Book of James, for the proper insight:  "...You do not have, because you do not ask God.  When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives." (James 4:2-3)  

Our wants tend to be only what we think we want, on the surface, in the visual realm.

BUT  -- listen to this --- "Lurking in the shadows, just outside your peripheral vision, of what we want, is what we value...  what is important, what is really, really important,"  according to Andy, with the help of James, brother of Jesus...

If we don't get to what we truly value -- in our hearts and minds and in our prayers --  we will never get what we truly want (also known as, that which God wants FOR US the most).

What do we value?  How do we discover it?  How do we keep it safe and sound?

All of this ties very nicely into the new book I'm reading, On Reading Well, alongside it's companion for today, The Humiliation of the Word.  This blending of reading more of the virtuous, and less of the less-than, seems to begin with an obvious place to start:  with reading more of The Bible.  

"Visions of the good life 
presented in the world's best literature 
can be agents for cultivating 
knowledge of and desire for the good and, 
unlike visions sustained 
by sentimentality or self-deception, 
the true."  
Just another sound point;  
still reading, and re-reading, 
from the Introduction, On Reading Well.

Prior adds, "So while reading for virtue means, in part, reading about virtue, in a deeper, less obvious way reading literature well is a way to practice virtue."

Isn't this really what God wants for us most days, to practice our faith....to put in practice our greater, good-er side....to pay more attention to the things we truly value and multiply the wealth of living a virtuous life by however many number of occupants there are on earth?

And maybe it's because I am fresh off the viewing of the movie, ROMA, that my emotions are more raw, or perhaps even melancholy, than my natural vibrancy.  But I tell you this:  life, itself, is valuable; it's not to be missed.  "Nothing is worth more than this day," right?

Time, is so freaking valuable; especially when we weigh past times -- of histories and legacies and societies and ages of long ago --  against the present day.  And with that --  it just so happens to be the crib notes version of precisely how our founders laid America's foundation; thereby, masterminding a republic like no other.

America's Constitution, our Declaration of Independence  -- more good reading material -- speak to a long list of invaluable virtues to know and love:  from prudence to justice, from courage to temperance, from diligence to humility.  In order to create a more perfect union, we, the people, are REQUIRED to pay attention to what we value, and not only that --  secure it! promoting the proper education, moral duty, and virtuous character of each new generation.  

The thing is, how do we continue to do that, if our focus is virtually consumed day in and day out by the proliferation of immediate gratification, selfish pleasures, a certain self-centeredness and vanity, and for all intents and purposes, glorifying the visual, temporal, immoral, and fallenness -- in other words, preoccupied with the less than virtuous reading all the live long day --  rather than upon the things, the literature, the wisdom, the Word,  that will actually truly satisfy our human nature like nothing else on earth?   How?   So true the humiliation of the Word...

Of course, of the fallenness, it surely gives us a whole lot of material to write about -- there is that.  It's a glorious day to read good things, and nothing else, isn't it?

There is such great power in societies, large and small; and yet, challenging all civilizations at the birth of each new generation, is the capacity to hold to what is true, what is of value, providing, ultimately, a life fulfilled and satisfied for all to come.  It is surely a pursuit of happiness worth every breath, if we recognize that which is truly important -- seen and unseen --  and nothing else.

That is my wish for today.

Make it a Good Day, G

Friday, January 11, 2019

It's About Building a Nation of Character Thing

Dear America,

"In a world where thrushes sing 
and willow trees are golden
 in the spring, 
boredom should have been 
included among 
the seven deadly sins."  
Elizabeth Gouge, writer

oh to be bored in America these days...one would have to have their head in the sand, paying absolutely no attention to the coming and going of quite the cast of characters leading the political and cultural and moral narratives -- and there are aplenty.

This girl -- is just beginning a new book, a Christmas present:  On Reading Well, by Karen Swallow Prior, who is, per her bio, "an award-winning professor of English at Liberty University...a research fellow with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, a senior fellow with Liberty University's Center for Apologetics and Cultural Engagement, a senior fellow with the Trinity Forum, and a member of the Faith Advisory Council of the Humane Society of the United States."

I'm only a few pages into her introduction.
She does say to take it  s  l  o  w,  so....
...so I'm taking her at her word.  And I just love how she critiques the act of reading too quickly right off the bat, saying, "speed-reading gives you two things that should never mix:  superficial knowledge and overconfidence."

...which just so happens to bring me --  ever so gracefully, I might add --  to something mentioned only in passing just yesterday my candid opinion awaits, of the post written by  Leslie Marshall upon the democratic socialist darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also recognized as "AOC."

Marshall marching lock step with the AOC must have its day.

so let me give you a minute to read it....
da da dada da da da, da! da dada da da da

and take your time.

da da dada da da da, da! da dada da da da

Returning to Prior's introduction On Reading Well -- she weaves together Aristotle's Poetics, and insights of Aristotle's Poetics by Paul Taylor, highlighting this passage about "a well-crafted plot, the element of literature that Aristotle identifies as the most important," saying -- "[Aristotle's Poetics] centers on the fact that the individual actions of characters follow with probability or necessity from a combination of three factors:  the characters' humanity, their individual personalities, and their involvement in the circumstances depicted in the plot."  "In other words," says Prior, "plot reveals character.  And the act of judging the character of a character shapes the reader's own character."

"the act of judging the character of a character shapes the reader's own character." wow.

So if the things we spend our precious time reading truly shapes us -- fiction and non-fiction alike --what is this modern world actually doing to us, as a people, as a community, as a country?

What we read and how we respond, react, and experience the things we read has dramatically changed -- now, more often than not, it's upon electronic devises and less upon the pages of real books; now, more often than not, it's through websites and news-feeds and less upon the pages of real literature.  And it is all comes at a lightning pace, all the live long day.   It's a rush of emotion, hastily judging this or that, and printed for the entire world to see within seconds, creating a world wide web of material, opening to a thread of responses in an instant. One after another.  Who has time to read anything else, right?

We read.
We write.
We feed our curiosity through Google or Bing.
We read some more.
We write some more.

But I digress.

My first response to Marshall's Ode to the AOC, Alex from the Bronx, goes something like this:

um, Alexandria created her own image, taking advantage of her wealth of superficial knowledge mixed with a supersize level of over confidence, all by herself, Leslie.

Might I add, she's a big girl, too.

She knew exactly what she was getting into -- opening herself up to the public, freely sharing her ideological dreams to effect change, and manufacturing a certain political prowess simply by asserting her young, enthusiastic, spirit in combination with riding upon the energy and coattails of another gimmick in government  --  widely recognized as a movement, in and of itself,  following the political ambitions of a party of one, Bernie Sanders.

Neither one speaks to the true character of American government --  that being, America, the exception; America, the first of its kind -- let alone the foundation laid by our founders of good character, men of great knowledge of civilizations long ago, who ultimately created a political system which resoundingly relied upon a society of virtuous, educated, patriotic, and compassionate people, to keep and care for America, generation after generation.

"Our world was built on the solid pillars of three great civilizations:  Jerusalem, Athens, and Rome.  The first taught us to pray; the second, to think; and the third, to govern.  Yet, as strong as they are, these pillars require our respectful study, contemplation, and defense, if they are to continue bearing the tremendous weight of the West.  Absent this attention, we will continue to witness our ongoing decay and eventual collapse."  this being said by a local book guy...Maxwell House of Books is coming to mind, but that is all I remember.   oops, my bad.  Must read    more     s  l  o  w l  y and take better notes.

It's like, Alexandria -- seriously?  Socialism -- the politics you choose to preach -- is nothing more than "a philosophy of failure, with the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.   It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."  which is simply something once said by Winston Churchill

To change America, a republic, into whatever Utopian dream you believe will come of transforming our government by policies that will surely make the American people more dependent upon government in their life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, the more the American people will suffer.

You frequently question America's moral character, judging this or that -- guess what?  What's unquestionably immoral is our level of national debt!  The growing liabilities --the twenty trillion dollars in debt itself, the interest on our debt, our long list of entitlements and unfunded liabilities that we cannot afford...including social security...and heaven forbid we add Universal Healthcare for all, for all these things are essentially burying us; this simply personifies the kind of immorality that no nation can survive.

And Leslie -- Leslie, Leslie, Leslie -- this title...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez deserves to be praised, not constantly criticized

Why does this sound so whiny?

Honestly, I'm not sure what the AOC "deserves"....At first glance on this -- not sure she actually DESERVES any of this fame thus far.  Albeit, she campaigned hard.  She got plenty of support from her neighborhood.  She is attractive and well-versed on slogans and rhetoric.  But let's get real, shall we?  This social-justice democrat, found hopping aboard the universal take down train against Trump, the pretty little liar of a package that she is -- even if it's out of ignorance, dominated the campaign and won the day all without a shred of experience, without a trace of paying her dues whether in business or politics, and as it would appear, only accomplishing such a feat, at such a young age, on gimmicks and an abundance of free publicity.  

She IS like the bright new shiny thing, right, Claire (and fellow democrat);  see also, AOC, stunt girl goes to Washington.

No.  To weave a little wisdom from On Reading Well -- Alexandria, in full character, personifies the two things that should not mix...a wee bit of superficial knowledge with a whole lot of overconfidence.  That idea is worth repeating over and over.

Yes, fair is fair in politics -- all character assessment comes via the experience, knowledge, education, well-read or not, of the character back reading between the lines, outside of the lines, and even going so far, as erasing lines.  It's all part and parcel of the game of politics.  We American people read, we write, we see with our own two eyes,  and we critique everything.

I mean, let's take a look at the 99% of negative coverage from the mainstream media, and liberal cable outlets, against this sitting president --  then, and only then,  can we fairly talk about what is fair.   eh?

Oh Leslie -- and this part --

"One of my favorite songs is by Don Henley, “How bad do you want it?” The refrain says, “How bad do you want it? Not bad enough.” Crowley didn’t want it bad enough, didn’t fight hard enough, didn’t work hard enough. AOC did. And this I know from personal experience. I was the youngest person to be syndicated on national radio back in 1992, and many thought I must have done something less than legitimate to get there. Trust me, I got there on nothing but hard work and merit."

um, how do you really know, for sure, what gave you the start on the syndicated radio program...

Just maybe -- circa '92 -- radio channels were just looking for something different, maybe needing more women represented...and then gave you a chance?  Maybe it had nothing to do with your age or experience, but you were just there.  Given that, from what I see and according to your own resume, you entered radio in 1988 -- by '92, you were only four years in on this career.  That isn't a long time.  Maybe it's just me, but maybe it wasn't from all your hard work -- no matter how young and talented you may have been at the time, that led you to the opportunity....but more like a lucky break, or good timing, having very little to do with the merits?  It's been done before, you know.  YOU would not be the first, or the last ...see also AOC...just sayin'.  [like, Hollywood is full of lucky breaks...everyone loves the newest, shiniest face...]  

Now, of course, Leslie -- to be fair, and perfectly clear -- it could also be said, that you survived all these years, remaining in radio, and now on T.V., because you HAVE worked HARD and DESERVE it based on the merits and the wealth of experience under your belt.

anywho, Back to the AOC --
she is fair game.  

It is so PC to disagree, and speak freely...this makes me crazy dizzy....suddenly I can't see straight.  
It's kinda what we do in America....we read, we write, we speak our mind.  
And then we read some more, write some more, speak some more, and so on. 
What an entertaining lot we are.

The thing is -- you know what they say about hard work -- it builds character.
That I would like to see, in all of us.

So to the L and to the A:
get over it
stop whining
put on your big girl pants, to the both of you. [BTW...nobody forced the AOC to wear that suit retailing for 3 grand....now did they...you wear it, you open yourself up to criticism for whatever reason.  See also Melania.]

So thank you, girls, for being my muse(s) on the day...and that goes to you, too, Karen Swallow Prior...can't wait to read the rest of the story.

At the end of the day, there is nothing I would like more than to spend more time  On Reading Well;
and my hope for you, is to want to do the same.

Just think of the Nation of Character that we may one day build, in it's entirety, if we show more devotion to reading slow while reading well.  amen to that.

the end.

Make it a Good Day, G

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

It's Just a Good Start Thing

Dear America,


just taking a few baby steps this morning...now nearly afternoon... as this girl ever so slowly resurfaces.......re-entering the blogosphere for the very first time in 2019; so here's our first quote to accompany us:  "Everyday is great -- it's a day extra."  [Jake LaMotta, boxer]

it's also the Day After the president's Oval Office address.  ooh rah 
must say -- he sounded a wee bit more mature  in this new year, if I'm not mistaken.  teehee

Talking about reaching maturity, whether individually or collectively, this girl is feeling sorta nostalgic on this rather bright and sunny Southern California day; so, on a whim,  a hit on the Day After, above, will link you to my very first blog! This being blog #974... from the serious to nonsensical, suffice it to say, this girl has covered a lot of ground over the last decade; just sayin'.

But oh to God be the Glory that I have lasted this long.  Day in and Day out, altogether it makes 2019 something of a celebratory year.  Traditionally, when referring to years of marriage, the anniversary is marked with gifts of tin or aluminum -- recognizing the resiliency and steadfastness required to make it thus far. So, to put this in perspective -- if this blog keeps producing 'til July 23rd -- I will have surpassed my marital devotion by a whole six months.   Now there's a new years resolution to write home about, eh?

So, on that note, and without any further dilly dilly or dally, let me link you to a wonderful breakdown of the president's Oval Office debut (you do know it was his first Oval Office address....right?)  This comes from my favorite group of patriots, @The Patriot Post; and it comes with a whole lot of common sense coming from Mark Alexander, himself, founder of The Patriot Post:

The Humanitarian and Security Crisis on Our Border
A full analysis of Donald Trump's Oval Office address, as well as the Demo rebuttal

and if you have time, read Mark Thiessen's account, via Fox News: "Trump started the shutdown but Democrats are about to own it"

I do want to talk about the AOC, bouncing off a post from Leslie Marshall...but it will have to wait for it's own day.  It will need all of a day, and maybe then some; what a hoot. happy   new     year   to    me.

Maybe the world needs to be reminded about the way the real world works, and more important, how sometimes it doesn't -- as in, leading us into world wars, and other things that are not good.  For more on that, and giving you a third good read on the first day back in 2019:  READ THIS from IMPRIMIS -- Do We Need a Country Anymore?  by Larry P. Arnn, President of Hillsdale College.

THIS is what I like to call, just a good start.

happy new year
happy first blog #1
happy first Oval Office address
happy reading
happy United States of America
happy 2019 in every way
happy first day back blog #974

the end.

Make it a Good Day, G