Dear America,
"With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans...Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans? What difference, at this point, does it make? It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, Senator. Now, honestly, I will do my best to answer your questions about this. The fact is that people were trying, in real time, to get to the best information." Hillary
well, there ya go.
what difference, at this point, does it make -- she asked.
what difference does it make?
Well, one difference, just off the top of my head -- is the difference between telling a lie and telling the truth. We were being told a lie under the pretense of some variation of "well, the fact of the matter is" -- whether that fact of the matter was coming out of the mouth of the Secretary of State, the president, or the talking point leader on the day -- US Ambassador Susan Rice. It was all about homegrown outrage, in real time, over a video. But perhaps with that little head bump of hers, Hillary may have found it difficult to remember all the nitty gritty details from way back when...
Matter of fact, considering all the things that we know now -- we had calls for help, for more support, from the ambassador in Libya, IN REAL TIME, in the months leading up to the attack; we had previous attacks on the consulate, IN REAL TIME, as the months leading up to the attack; we had un-manned drones flying over the consulate, IN REAL TIME, taking pictures! on the night of the so-called "protests" -- or was it something more like "guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some Americans." Because really, what difference does it make, at this point, now that we are here, experiencing another level of real time in real time?
How disrespectful to the families left behind, huh?
"Our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous – not a premeditated – response to what had transpired in Cairo." Ambassador Susan Rice, September 16, 2012
As a matter of fact, just as it's coming to me, here in real time -- why identify something as "fact" when IN FACT it's not fact at all; why not just label it a possibility of many origins to be determined later...perhaps calling it a notion in know, based upon the information that they had in real time and on the fly way back when...Or is that simply asking too much of my fellow countrymen and women in charge?
Can you just imagine it? The families of the four fallen Americans in Benghazi have yet to hear the whole truth and nothing but the truth. This administration was so busy trying to get re-elected in the immediate days following the attack [like flying off to Vegas the very next morning], and the mainstream media was so busy trying to help, all the days and details quickly turned to mush. And now look at us -- January 23rd and it's the first time the Secretary of State has been in the hot seat according to, and responding to, her real time assessment of that horrific night...
...a night that we now know could have very well been prevented; that is, only if we had provided the Ambassador Stevens everything he asked for when he asked for it -- only if we sent in the reinforcements just waiting in the wings even that very night.
And, now as a matter of record, because we have transcripts -- let's turn to Senator Rand Paul:
"So we have a Review Board. The Review Board finds 64 different things we can change. A lot of them are common sense and can be done, but the question is, it’s a failure of leadership that they weren’t done in advance and 4 American lives were lost because of this. I’m glad that you are accepting responsibility. I think that ultimately with you leaving, you accept the culpability for the worst tragedy since 9/11, and I really mean that. Had I been President at the time, and I found that you did not read the cables from Benghazi, you did not read the cables from Ambassador Stevens, I would have relieved you of your post. I think it is inexcusable.
The thing is, that we can understand you are not reading every cable. I can understand that maybe you are not aware of the cable from the Ambassador in Vienna that asks for $100,000 for an electrical charging station. I can understand that maybe you are not aware that your Department spent $100,000 on 3 comedians who went to India on a promotional tour called Make Chi, Not War, but I think you might be able to understand that you should be aware of the $80 million spent on a consulate in Mahshahr al-Sharif [Readers, I'm not certain what this references and am researching - will update if I find the info] that will never be built.
I think it’s inexcusable that you did not know about this and that you did not read these cables. I think by anybody’s estimation, Libya has to be one of the hottest of hot spots around the world. Not to know of the requests for securities, really I think cost these people their lives. Their lives could have been saved had someone been more available, had someone been aware of these things, more on top of the job, and the thing is, I don’t suspect you of bad motives. The Review Board said, well these people weren’t willfully negligent . I don’t think you were willfully…I don’t suspect your motives for wanting to serve your country, but it was a failure of leadership not to be involved. It was a failure of leadership not to know these things, and so I think it is good that you are accepting responsibility, because no one else is. There is a certain amount of culpability to the worst tragedy since 9/11, and I’m glad you are accepting this.
As a matter of fact, now that I'm thinking about it and before I forget -- I need to extend a great big thank you to "Maggie's Notebook" for the fresh picks from today's hearing [now that I found you, I will be sure to find my way back from time to time, when chock full of real time to play with -- and highly suggest that you do the same.] This was the only place I could find that would give me full text of Rand Paul's rant. But I digress a wee bit.
How about that -- Rand tells her: "I would have relieved you of your post."
And isn't it about time the right does a little mocking of the in when he digs in with "we can understand you are not reading every cable. I can understand that maybe you are not aware of the cable from the Ambassador in Vienna that asks for $100,000 for an electrical charging station. I can understand that maybe you are not aware that your Department spent $100,000 on 3 comedians who went to India on a promotional tour called Make Chi, Not War, but I think you might be able to understand that you should be aware of the $80 million spent on a consulate in Mahshahr al-Sharif "
That is some good stuff [and that's just a fact].
Oh, but what difference, at this point, does it make?
In real time, according to the twenty-four seven news cycle, by tomorrow morning it will be old news...Phil Mickelson may change his mind on staying in the States for a third day in a row; perhaps the president will decide he really doesn't care for Michelle's new bangs; maybe Manti Te'O will take back the lie about the other lie; maybe we will wake up and every girl in America will qualify for the draft, if, God forbid, we ever have to go through that again.
Oh wait. I can understand that maybe you don't know that maybe that last one -- about 'Girls Gone Combat' -- may be as good as already true...we're just waiting for morning light. Leon Panetta is set to announce -- in real time, in the morning -- that women will be allowed in combat. Praise the Lord, right? Oh thank heaven for equal rights and everybody being treated the same, girls and boys alike. [Now, it's probably fair to say that most likely, Leon will not be posing it quite like that, but when you get to the nitty gritty details, according to the Rule of Law and the way precedence works in real time, in live kinetic military action -- there won't be much, if anything, preventing such a reality to occur ..and just to be clear, we're talking about that draft thing for girls.]
Bring on the dawn. Bring on the dawn. And when we all get there...
Make it a Good Day, G