Dear America,
if keeping track...this is my third wish:
Let G be in charge of the GOP for one day [see also More Men Like Thoreau Day; Get America to Go All In Day]
At the 9am wake up call to all party members -- especially those in the enviable position to have a soapbox to actually stand on-- I would hammer out a multitude of things to do and not to do.
Beginning with reminding all live bodies on the other end of the line, you are, each and every one of you, destined to be a part of greatness and to be fully accountable for the rightful return of property, and sanity, to America. If you aren't courageous enough to handle the heat, just hang up now and keep your mouth shut from this day forward. But for the rest of you, 'be calm and carry on;' and let's do this!
------ and then I would address the following points of light and love and liberty (and understand, these things are not in any particular order; it's just allowing the spitfire of my thoughts to just this a great country, or what) --------
I would stifle ALL self-inflicted attacks bearing wounds the size of eternity in the lifespan of a typical news day -- meaning, with regards to what Bobby Jindal did yesterday, or the day before -- it would not be allowed.
Sure, it is a free country, he can say what he wants, think what he wants -- but when it comes to being All In for the party, like the libs do, we totally fail making the mark on this time and time again. Romney was articulating a real and clear and present danger about the growing change in attitudes and expectations to ENTITLEMENT in this country; he wasn't talking about leaving anyone OUT, as far as attracting the potential electorate. [Think of it this way, Jindal, and anyone else who doesn't understand the difference -- an alcoholic must first recognize they are one in order to start the appropriate treatment.]
The second half of this rule falls into an age old adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Even as we are told we are at war with ourselves, from across the pond and back, we must PROTECT our own -- end of story. Find something positive to say, use a diversion tactic like the democrats to change the question, if you don't like it... or just say something to the effect of 'you will have to ask him what he means by that'.... and finally, in the last resort option, pull a Gingrich and just find a clever way to remind the left-brain propaganda stream how much they suck.
But heavens to Murgatroyde -- opting to just go out on that soapbox, of your own free will, and demonize a fair observation of your own guy? are you kidding me? [yes, you got that right -- there is no way Jindal is getting a gift from me this year; what, pray-tell, gave it away?]
yes, indeed. spitfire @ work.
But when it comes to party convictions, principles, being the party touting everything conservative, we must not hold back. We simply CANNOT be led by the media to do a total about face on the guy WE CHOSE! to be the face and agenda for our own side. Why are we so weak, letting them be strong? seriously? I am beginning to think the GOP is made of clay; or maybe it's quicksand...or sticks and stones? What does it matter when it all ends up looking the same? We turn to mush, allowing the left leaning media, the talking points of progressives, the attacks of the entire Left, control our every move and our message.
Let's open up the line to add this simple 'note to self' from an outside source, Keith Koffler; it's plucked from his piece in Politico today, All you need is love...
huh rah. thank you, Keith.
It just seems like all of a sudden we, of the GOP, have lost the constitution to stand up for the kind of government we want to have. Which is ripe for irony, isn't it, given the party's inherent level of appreciation and respect for this country's guiding principles, as prescribed in our Constitution!
So real quick now, let's hit a few easy-peezy solutions:
G got lucky last night and had a chance to listen to Mark Levin [his radio show lands right smack dab in the middle of the evening when it's more important to catch up with my girl]. Since I find him still lingering inside my head, allow me to highlight a couple of his thoughts before we move on dot org to the rest of our day:
preachin' to the choir, Mark, preachin' to the choir [and I thought 'mush' was my line].
Last thing: leave Mitt alone. It's not Mitt's fault, so cease and desist making him the scapegoat long after the unbearable loss; stop looking back to whatever it is we wudda, shudda, cudda done to change the outcome. Grow up. Mitt turned out to be our best shot. But this -- this monday morning quarterbacking of a failed strategy -- this just shoots our own foot every time. And the unintended consequences of this behavior? The Left not only eats it up -- it profits by it. Matter of fact, it can survive off of it from here to kingdom come, making a pretty good living off of it to boot.
The entire party is responsible, and from this point forward, let it be understood that it is 'all for one and one for all' from here on out. Be kind and compassionate and open always; be firm and steady and courageous when you must; be principled, without attitude; be a symbol of conviction, without arrogance; stand confident with the pillars of truth crafted for every AMERICAN and teach it, live by it, believe in it with your whole heart, never falter.
It's not over; it's never done. The duty of being the caretaker of the greatest nation on Earth calls for us to wake up and repeat in the every day. Sure, we have evolved -- it would seem keeping our virtues is no longer cool, and likewise, self-reliance is, and out of the blue, totally over-rated. So GOP'ers, if you are looking for easy, you, too, are in the wrong country.
If there is nothing more you take away from this conference call, it is this: put the scissors down and run for liberty in free abandon. The truth is, it's a lifelong marathon for all generations to come; get yourself a good pair of shoes, stock up on Gatorade, eat your Wheaties, stop being stupid, and run with joy, GOP, run with joy.
Make it Good Day, G
if keeping track...this is my third wish:
Let G be in charge of the GOP for one day [see also More Men Like Thoreau Day; Get America to Go All In Day]
At the 9am wake up call to all party members -- especially those in the enviable position to have a soapbox to actually stand on-- I would hammer out a multitude of things to do and not to do.
Beginning with reminding all live bodies on the other end of the line, you are, each and every one of you, destined to be a part of greatness and to be fully accountable for the rightful return of property, and sanity, to America. If you aren't courageous enough to handle the heat, just hang up now and keep your mouth shut from this day forward. But for the rest of you, 'be calm and carry on;' and let's do this!
------ and then I would address the following points of light and love and liberty (and understand, these things are not in any particular order; it's just allowing the spitfire of my thoughts to just this a great country, or what) --------
I would stifle ALL self-inflicted attacks bearing wounds the size of eternity in the lifespan of a typical news day -- meaning, with regards to what Bobby Jindal did yesterday, or the day before -- it would not be allowed.
Sure, it is a free country, he can say what he wants, think what he wants -- but when it comes to being All In for the party, like the libs do, we totally fail making the mark on this time and time again. Romney was articulating a real and clear and present danger about the growing change in attitudes and expectations to ENTITLEMENT in this country; he wasn't talking about leaving anyone OUT, as far as attracting the potential electorate. [Think of it this way, Jindal, and anyone else who doesn't understand the difference -- an alcoholic must first recognize they are one in order to start the appropriate treatment.]
The second half of this rule falls into an age old adage "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Even as we are told we are at war with ourselves, from across the pond and back, we must PROTECT our own -- end of story. Find something positive to say, use a diversion tactic like the democrats to change the question, if you don't like it... or just say something to the effect of 'you will have to ask him what he means by that'.... and finally, in the last resort option, pull a Gingrich and just find a clever way to remind the left-brain propaganda stream how much they suck.
But heavens to Murgatroyde -- opting to just go out on that soapbox, of your own free will, and demonize a fair observation of your own guy? are you kidding me? [yes, you got that right -- there is no way Jindal is getting a gift from me this year; what, pray-tell, gave it away?]
[AND ANOTHER THING! Just how quick are we to jump ship on Team Mitt? we are pathetic, people, just pathetic...[talking not just to Jindal now, but to you Dick Morris dot com, and to you Bill Kristol, and to you ...]And along this line but from a different angle -- given the close proximity to the election itself -- we must also tag the idiocy of people like Todd Akin. He may very well be entitled to his own beliefs, but when his beliefs make the rest of us look like extremists and nincompoops, potentially just weeks before the biggest changing of the guard ever, it would be a good time to spot check the rhetoric.
yes, indeed. spitfire @ work.
But when it comes to party convictions, principles, being the party touting everything conservative, we must not hold back. We simply CANNOT be led by the media to do a total about face on the guy WE CHOSE! to be the face and agenda for our own side. Why are we so weak, letting them be strong? seriously? I am beginning to think the GOP is made of clay; or maybe it's quicksand...or sticks and stones? What does it matter when it all ends up looking the same? We turn to mush, allowing the left leaning media, the talking points of progressives, the attacks of the entire Left, control our every move and our message.
Let's open up the line to add this simple 'note to self' from an outside source, Keith Koffler; it's plucked from his piece in Politico today, All you need is love...
"[to win elections, republicans must] bring the message of conservatism to those who aren't hearing it. Not a message tailored to one group or another. But a message that conservatism works for everyone."
huh rah. thank you, Keith.
It just seems like all of a sudden we, of the GOP, have lost the constitution to stand up for the kind of government we want to have. Which is ripe for irony, isn't it, given the party's inherent level of appreciation and respect for this country's guiding principles, as prescribed in our Constitution!
So real quick now, let's hit a few easy-peezy solutions:
- replace the guy who sounds like he's got a problem, John Boehner, and admit him into treatment.
- use the advantage Obamacare, to Negotiate! It isn't even fully implemented yet and it's already giving businesses, large and small, a heart attack. THIS is a real and tangible tool, dude. Use it!
- let the president lead on the Fiscal Cliff. He says he has a plan, has all the right answers, make him lead with it; the art of negotiation is keeping your mouth shut until the other side spells it all out.
- BUSH tax cuts have worked; look it up!
- blanket amnesty is not the answer...we've tried that -- legislate an e-verify system and secure the border. boom.
- remind the African-Americans and Hispanic Americans that the unemployment rate within their demographic has only gone up since the 60's -- just how has the democrat party worked for you? honestly, ask yourself that question and be brave enough to hear the answer.
- designate the Department of Education as unconstitutional; it is a propaganda stream, indoctrinating our children into the liberal mindset, thereby disenfranchising half of all Americans who believe in conservative ideals for the love of country.
- open up offices for outreach in the barrios, inner-cities, college campuses, from sea to shining sea starting yesterday.
G got lucky last night and had a chance to listen to Mark Levin [his radio show lands right smack dab in the middle of the evening when it's more important to catch up with my girl]. Since I find him still lingering inside my head, allow me to highlight a couple of his thoughts before we move on dot org to the rest of our day:
"It's hard to find a leader in the mush, isn't it, folks?"
preachin' to the choir, Mark, preachin' to the choir [and I thought 'mush' was my line].
"RUN with Liberty! and fight to the death."
or something like that...
Last thing: leave Mitt alone. It's not Mitt's fault, so cease and desist making him the scapegoat long after the unbearable loss; stop looking back to whatever it is we wudda, shudda, cudda done to change the outcome. Grow up. Mitt turned out to be our best shot. But this -- this monday morning quarterbacking of a failed strategy -- this just shoots our own foot every time. And the unintended consequences of this behavior? The Left not only eats it up -- it profits by it. Matter of fact, it can survive off of it from here to kingdom come, making a pretty good living off of it to boot.
The entire party is responsible, and from this point forward, let it be understood that it is 'all for one and one for all' from here on out. Be kind and compassionate and open always; be firm and steady and courageous when you must; be principled, without attitude; be a symbol of conviction, without arrogance; stand confident with the pillars of truth crafted for every AMERICAN and teach it, live by it, believe in it with your whole heart, never falter.
It's not over; it's never done. The duty of being the caretaker of the greatest nation on Earth calls for us to wake up and repeat in the every day. Sure, we have evolved -- it would seem keeping our virtues is no longer cool, and likewise, self-reliance is, and out of the blue, totally over-rated. So GOP'ers, if you are looking for easy, you, too, are in the wrong country.
If there is nothing more you take away from this conference call, it is this: put the scissors down and run for liberty in free abandon. The truth is, it's a lifelong marathon for all generations to come; get yourself a good pair of shoes, stock up on Gatorade, eat your Wheaties, stop being stupid, and run with joy, GOP, run with joy.
Make it Good Day, G
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